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Nachlesen in einem Gesetzestext

Tax consulting

Taxes and tax law is a wide-ranging field; many details and numerous innovations must be observed continuously. This requires extensive know-how. We are happy to advise you on all tax issues and plan the future of your company together with you.

Bianca Volz von Sterr-Kölln & Partner

Traditional consulting fields

We provide the full range of services that you can expect in the field of tax consulting from a single source, so that you can concentrate on your core competencies.

Our clients include, in particular, companies that have energy production and distribution as their business object, plan sustainable energy projects or provide services dealing with renewable energies. Another focus is on the support of companies with a municipal ownership structure.

Our expert: Bianca Volz

Our services

  • Preparation and transmission of preliminary VAT returns
  • Preparation of business evaluations
  • Digital financial accounting

  • Preparation and transmission of income tax returns
  • Transmission of data and reports to social security institutions
  • Preparation of applications, e.g. for continued payment of wages or maternity allowance

  • Preparation of financial statements according to commercial law and tax law for companies of different legal forms
  • Disclosure of the annual financial statements in the electronic Federal Gazette

  • Corporate income tax returns
  • Separate and uniform declarations of findings
  • Income tax returns
  • Trade tax returns
  • Sales tax returns

  • Checking tax assessments
  • Conducting appeal proceedings
  • Support with tax audits
  • Audits of the German pension insurance
Offener Oder mit Bilanzen, Taschenrechner und rotem Paragraphenzeichen

Design consulting

Our legal system allows for a wide range of ways in which you can regulate your legal relationships and contracts. In this case, the examination of possible tax consequences is a mandatory prerequisite for success. Therefore, it is our task as consultants to identify and point out all tax consequences in advance. With our expertise in tax law and the adjacent areas of civil, public and commercial law, we are also able to develop creative and tailor-made concepts for your specific project and implement them in practice

Our expert: Bianca Volz Our expert: Julia Braun

Our services

  • Transformation of companies
  • Transfer and spin-off of businesses or sub-businesses
  • Forfeiture of losses in a company
  • Transfer of assets of a company
  • Avoidance of tax risks when transferring assets to your own company (for example, in the case of a company split)

  • Entry, withdrawal and change of shareholders
  • Structural change or other tax measures to prepare a company purchase or sale
  • Advice on the choice of legal form from a tax point of view
  • Design of non-commercial participation models, for example as a (typically) silent partnership
  • Advising and structuring in the sale of company shares held in private assets
  • Avoidance of forfeiture of losses in a company
  • Tax due diligence

  • Corporate financing, in particular shareholder debt financing
  • Corporate tax, trade tax or VAT corporation
  • Valuation of companies and company shares in accordance with tax law requirements
  • Tax law-compliant formulation of contracts, e.g. in the formulation of loan agreements, rental contracts, employment contracts etc. between relatives or to avoid hidden profit distributions
  • Advice and design on the sale of company interests held in private assets
  • Advice on VAT
  • Use of losses and avoidance of forfeiture of losses in a company

  • Taxation of the public sector
  • Taxation of businesses of a commercial character
  • VAT structure
  • Optimisation of input tax deduction
Taschenrechner überlappt mit transparentem Kraftwerk

Energy and electricity tax

A relevant cost factor for energy-intensive projects or industrial sites is electricity and/or energy taxes. However, legislators provide for numerous tax relief and exemption options for the benefit of taxpayers in the area of energy supply. However, the regulations in question are extremely complicated and the conditions need to be specified in detail. As a result, many people affected leave considerable savings potential unused every year. We advise you on the identification and realisation of this potential.

Our expert: Dr. Michael Stopper

Our services

  • Determination of possible issues subject to electricity and energy tax
  • Analysis of the relief options in accordance with the specific consumption, processes and procedures (tax exemption, tax reduction, tax rebate/exemption/refund)
  • Identification of potential savings in electricity and energy tax through design measures such as restructuring 
  • Identification of risky issues relating to electricity and energy tax

  • Support in communication with the inspector of the main customs office
  • Defence against additional payments
  • Enforcement of your claims against the customs administration